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A scenic view of the autumnal trees in the forest on the Miramichi River bank against blue sky in bright sunlight in New Brunswick, Canada

All HDRN Canada Member Organizations have external funders that help minimize the cost per research project; however, most also have established cost recovery-based fees for public sector researchers. The total cost per research project varies widely depending on the nature of services requested, the complexity of the project, and the number of jurisdictions involved. To assist researchers with understanding the magnitude of costs that may apply to a planned research project, the table below provides high-level estimates of the costs for HDRN Canada member organizations to provide services and support. For more information, email dash@hdrn.ca.

Data Services – Cost Examples Range of costs per HDRN Canada Member Organization
1 – Research team conducts an analysis
Example: HDRN Canada Member Organization provides Researcher with access to a dataset that includes all individuals with an asthma diagnosis; Researcher performs the analysis independently.
$5,000 – $15,000
2 – Analytical services requested – Simple
Example: HDRN Canada Member Organization provides Researcher with access to a dataset that includes all individuals with an asthma diagnosis; Member Organization provides analytical support
$12,500 – $30,000
3 – Analytical services requested – Moderate
Example: HDRN Canada Member Organization provides Researcher with access to a dataset that includes all individuals with an asthma diagnosis AND prepares a matched cohort; Member Organization provides analytical support
$15,000 – $40,000
4 – Analytical services requested – Complex
Example: HDRN Canada Member Organization provides Researcher with access to a dataset that includes all individuals with Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis (the assumption that some new coding would be required); Member Organization provides analytical support
$25,000 – $45,000


TIP: A research project that includes data from three different HDRN Canada Member Organizations would have a total cost in the range of three times the cost for the same project performed in a single jurisdiction.